What is the major cause of anemia?
What is the major cause of anemia? The major cause of anemia is a decline in iron levels in the blood. For example, if the iron level in the blood is low, then the body's ability to create red blood cells is compromised. With a deficiency in iron, anemia can develop. This condition is called iron deficiency anemia. In children, anemia may occur if iron levels are low due to a diet high in red meat. articlewrietrnsg1410 .
How does anemia happen?
Iron deficiency occurs when a person's body cannot make enough red blood cells (erythrocytes) from the iron and hematite found in the blood. Hematite is also known as hematite or fer rum. Iron is found in many foods. They are healthy when they are naturally found in foods. When the iron is not absorbed into the body, it will be eliminated.
Symptoms of anemia
The symptoms of anemia will depend on the amount of iron in the body.
Acute anemia is when a person feels weak and tired. Iron deficiency anaemia may have:
Blue or pale skin
Skin that appears dry, flaky, or tight
It is difficult to speak
Excessive weight loss
How is anemia diagnosed?
If the anemia is found, then treatment can begin. The doctor will check the iron levels and provide treatment. The treatment for anemia is based on the amount of iron deficiency in the body.
Iron deficiency anemia treatment
One type of treatment for anemia is called hematocrit testing. A doctor will measure the hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells, with a blood test. If the level of red blood cells in the blood is below 15%, the person has iron deficiency anemia. articlewriternsg1410
To treat this condition, the doctor will check for the iron deficiency in the body. Treatment can be given to boost red blood cells. The most commonly used treatments for anemia are:
Infliximab . This medication is an antibody that blocks the destruction of red blood cells by the immune system.
.This medication is an antibody that blocks the destruction of red blood cells by the immune system. Vitamin B12 . Vitamin B12 is important for a person's body, because it helps in the synthesis of vitamin B12, which is also important for red blood cells.
Vitamin B12 is important for a person's body, because it helps in the synthesis of vitamin B12, which is also important for red blood cells. Co-exclusion infusion . This treatment requires the use of iron pills and is used for people with anemia.
This treatment requires the use of iron pills and is used for people with anemia. Infliximab . Infliximab is also used to treat coeliac disease. It is given intravenously.
Infliximab is also used to treat coeliac disease. It is given intravenously. Vitamin C . Vitamins C and E support the body's absorption of iron.
Vitamins C and E support the body's absorption of iron. Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is another treatment for anemia.
Treatment of anemia is carried out in stages. It is important to know the stages of treatment because the first stage of treatment may not be enough.
Topical iron and intravenous iron
Topical iron can be injected into the body. It will help the body to produce more red blood cells. Topical iron is given for a short period. In other cases, it is given as a weekly treatment.
The most common dose of topical iron is 150-200 milligrams of iron, which can be given by a doctor. The dosage may need to be adjusted for each individual.
Anemia can be treated as long as iron levels are high enough. If the body does not make enough red blood cells, then further treatment will need to be given.
Intravenous iron
Intravenous iron is a type of medication that is given intravenously. It will help to replace the iron lost from the body.
The dose of intravenous iron can be as much as 400 milligrams of iron. A single treatment of this treatment can be given for 24 hours.
A person is advised to take oral iron supplements. However, to prevent anemia, a person may need to take intravenous iron for weeks or months. articlewriternsg1410
Prevention of anemia
Good nutrition is essential for reducing the risk of anemia. Good nutrition is essential for reducing the risk of anemia.
Avoiding too much iron may be an effective way to prevent anemia.
In young and healthy people, it is not usually important to reduce iron levels in the blood. A person can have too much iron in their diet.
Too much iron in the diet may be harmful, as well as restrict the ability of the body to make new red blood cells.
If someone is at risk of anemia, it is best to check their iron levels. If levels are low, a person should also take measures to avoid iron-rich foods.
Eating a variety of different foods, including vitamin-rich foods and leafy greens, and eating a diet low in red meat and dairy may be helpful for preventing anemia.
In addition, if someone experiences bleeding, having large amounts of iron can increase the chance of blood loss.
Reducing stress, including avoiding too much alcohol, caffeine, and refined foods, may help.
Approaching exercise as a healthy form of stress reduction can help as well
It is important for people to keep an eye on what they eat. Poor diet and nutrient deficiencies can increase the risk of anemia.
A doctor can advise people on a proper diet that will improve their nutritional intake. Eating a nutrient-rich diet, avoiding high-fat foods, and drinking plenty of water can help.
Other tips
The following nutrients can also be used to treat anemia. These include:
quercetin . A study suggests that red wine may improve iron levels.
. A study suggests that red wine may improve iron levels. aloe vera. A recent study found that aloe vera may also help to prevent anemia.
A doctor can advise someone about other dietary and lifestyle changes that may be helpful.
Some people may have an increased risk of anemia if they have:
hereditary factors that cause anemia
a condition called phlebocytopenia
chronic liver disease, especially hepatitis C
an autoimmune disorder
Maintaining good health, including a healthy diet, can help a person to avoid anemia.
Anyone who has severe symptoms should contact a doctor for treatment.